Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sick babes

I figure in a blog about my wonderful adventures with my two kiddos I can't skip today's trip gone very bad! It actually started yesterday....

Aiden had his 4-month doctors appointment. 16 pounds 2 ounces! Everything looked good. Of course he screamed after the shots but big sister Emma held his hand. Unfortunately the shots didn't seem to sit well with him and he was miserable for the rest of the day. Cried all day except when he was sleeping and refused to eat anything. This made me incredibly nervous since I was suppose to work today and I couldn't imagine running the store with a screaming 4 month old and active 3 year old. In preparation for the worst I asked my assistant Wende if she could be "on call" in case I couldn't work.

Emma also wasn't feeling too well. She had had diarrhea for the past few days and wasn't eating much . We got some potatoes in her just before bed and Alex brought her up to tuck her in. A few minutes later...ciaos....Emma puked the potatoes up in her room. She told us she had stuck her finger in her mouth so we didn't think anything of it. We cleaned her up and sent her to bed and didn't hear from her again until I woke her this morning for her first day of summer camp.

When I came into her room this morning to tell her we had to get ready for summer camp she said she didn't want to go. I persuaded her to get dressed and that it would be so much fun to meet new friends. We loaded into the car and off we went to Saratoga. I had actually gotten out the door on time but of course I realized I forgot to pack a snack so we had to stop at Stewerts which then made us running late.

On the way to camp Emma said her belly hurt and she didn't want to go. I told her to try it out and if she didn't feel well I would come right back for her. Bad mommy, assuming she just didn't want to go to camp and wasn't really sick. Well just before we got to the school she proved to me that she really wasn't going to camp.....she puked all over herself and my car! I pulled over to the side of the road and attempted to clean it all up (so gross!). Ciaos again....I didn't have a change of clothes for her except one pair of capris so she was practically naked. The car seat was wreaked so there I was trying to wipe it off with baby wipes. Aiden was screaming because he was mad that the car had stopped and now wanted to be fed. Ahh! 5 minutes later I had Emma sitting in her semi-clean car seat covered with a blanket and Aiden back to sleep after a few sips of bottle and we were all the way back to our house in Glens Falls. 

Luckily Wende was still on call and came in to cover the store for me (I'm so lucky to have help so I can be home with my sick babies). Now I'm wondering if poor Aiden has the same stomach bug that Em has and that is why he's so cranky.

Well we're home now, both children are napping and I'm hoping we're done with throw up and on to recovery (the smell alone makes me want to hurl too). We'll try camp again on Thursday if Emma is better by then....we'll see...I don't want to infect any other children. I wouldn't wish this one anyone! Soothing sick kids is a whole lot harder when there's more than one. That's for sure!

On a brighter note we had a fabulous vacation in Cape Cod a few weeks ago.....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Halfway There....

I'm happy to report that things are going much better at our house! I finally feel that I have the two kid thing kind of under control (at least enough to keep everyone safe and mostly happy!). It's not easy. I have to sacrifice so much of my personal time in order to maintain some kind of order and cleanliness around the house and it's always a struggle between work or reading "one more story!" I've come to realize though that between lack of time and complete mommy brain I leave a lot of things half done!

Come to my house and you'll see so many things that I've tried to start but got interrupted by a waking baby or hungry toddler. Usually I only have two or three days a week at home with them so really tackling a project is near impossible. The bathroom has three out of four walls without wallpaper. Started that project one morning when getting out of the shower and seeing the wallpaper peeling off the wall, probably a month or two ago. Had a great hour a few weeks ago when I got to work soaking the walls with remover and got three of them almost completely stripped. Poor wall number four though is just hanging out still waiting for another day when both kids sleep at the same time (which rarely happens)....maybe next month.... I keep hoping the wallpaper genie will just come do it for me and one morning I'll wake up to a new bathroom!

Generally the house gets vacuumed in two or three parts. Some days just the living room rug, some days the whole downstairs. Never both the upstairs and downstairs together (how wonderful would it be to have a maid?!). Sometimes I can't get it together to get both litter boxes cleaned on the same day (sorry kitties!). Usually I have time to take a shower but never to dry my hair. I get the dishwasher unloaded but the dirty dishes still sit on the counter when Alex gets home at the end of the day. There's almost always a pile of clean laundry waiting to get put away at the end of the bed, which usually only gets put away because I need the basket to start a new load.

So today's project....gardening! Last week I started to pull weeds and move some plants around next to our house. Half done of course because Emma didn't want to stay outside anymore so we went in. Today I moved another plant around to the other side of the house and one more to the backyard. Just as I was filling the dirt around one plant Aiden started crying from the bumbo seat and Emma needed her shoes put back on. I shoved some dirt around the poor plant and we went inside. It started raining and now I've realized I left a huge hole where the plants used to be planted! Oh well! Maybe next week I'll fill it in!

It's a wonder my children are fully clothed everyday....!