Monday, November 19, 2012

When It's Bad It's Awful!

For some reason the phrase "when it's good it's very good but when it's bad it's awful" if just sticking in my head today. Perhaps because it has been the most horrible day in a very long time at our house! And I'm actually taking the time to sit down and write this now with hopes that putting it on paper will stop this snowball affect that seems to be making this day just worse and worse....we'll see....

The day actually started at 1am when Aiden decided it was going to be one of those mornings where he wakes up for his bottle and refuses to go back to sleep. I let him scream for a half hour and then gave in. Couldn't get him quiet until about 4:30am. I have no idea what was bothering him, his stomach probably, but nothing seemed to make him feel better except mommy holding him so I sat in his rocker for three and a half hours until he was sound asleep and then slipped him back into the crib. And that started the snowball into a horrible day....

My alarm went off at 7:40am but because I was so exhausted from not sleeping I hit the snooze button way too many times thus resulting in us running late for school. I got the kids up and dressed and down for breakfast. Luckily I had an idea that the morning might be hectic so I had packed Emma's lunch for school the night before. It just so happened that this morning was also our morning for bringing snack to school (God help me!). I did buy the snack in advance but for some reason had decided that we would have apples and did not want to cut them in advance and have them brown on me so I had waited until this morning to do so. We had gotten a neat apple cutting device for our wedding a while ago that is suppose to peel the apple and then slice it all at once so I figured this would be an easy, quick task. Nope, of course not. The apples didn't seem to go through the thing correctly and I kept ending up with chunks of random seedy apple everywhere. No nice slices.... In an attempt to fix the contraption I sliced open my finger. So here I am profusely bleeding, kids crying at the kitchen table, no snack ready.... I wrap my finger in a tissue and continue with the next 5 apples I had to cut. No luck, more apple "chunks" everywhere and another cut open finger. I gave up! Sorry class but you only got four apples cut into random chunks, some with the peel and core still attached.

It's now 9am (we were suppose to be at school at 8:45am). I'm still in the pajamas and still bleeding all over the kitchen. I debate whether I should call the doctor to see if I need stitches, but decide there's no time for that I need to get this darn snack and kid off to school. I run upstairs, grab some band aids and a bra and head back downstairs (This won't be the first time I've brought poor Emma late to school, still in my pjs! Can't wait for the teacher conference tomorrow when they tell me how discheveled I am). Back downstairs get jackets and shoes on both kids and realize Emma's car seat is sitting on the playroom floor. She had dumped chocolate milk in it yesterday and I had brought it in to clean it. Race around getting it put back together. Can't find my car keys to get it into the car...grab the spare set and get the seat installed. Grab the kids, put them in the car. And we're off to school. Bleeding, in my pjs, fifteen minutes late and with a very crappy snack.....

I decide that there is no way I'm going to make it through an entire day of work with my kids after this bad morning so I text Tish, the wonderful girl who works for me and doesn't judge my horrible parenting skills, and ask her to come in for the afternoon so I can come home. She agrees and I'm feeling better.

So happy that adventure was over and am now ready to restart the day and go to work for just a few hours with Aiden. Aiden and I leave Emma's school and head home. I never did find my keys so when I unload Aiden from the car and go to enter the house I find that I had locked the door and have only the spare car key in hand. We're locked out!! I feel like I just might cry... Find the "hidden" key and we get back in. Thank you hubby for hiding that because my dumb self left my cell phone in the locked up house and would have been in BIG trouble without that key. I shower, pack up our stuff and head to work, now running 15 minutes late for work! This day must get better right??

Nope! I get to work and remember that I don't have a key to the store. I leant it out to another worker the day before and have to go retrieve it from the pet store next door. Now I'm twenty minutes late opening the store. We get inside and settled and my stomach reminds me I haven't eaten anything and I've left my breakfast and coffee in my car parked around the corner. I'm not up for dragging Aiden out again with me and I don't want to leave him alone in the store so I decide to just add that to my list of things that did not go right today.

Thankfully the few hours at the store go by very quickly and I'm overjoyed to see Tish walk in twenty minutes early! We pack up our stuff and head back to Emma's school to retrieve her. The original plan was that my friend Jen was going to pick her up and bring her to the store so I'm excited that it will be me picking her up instead so I get to spend more time with her. Unfortunately, Emma did not feel the same way. As soon as she sees me she runs as far away in the classroom as she can get and refuses to come home with me. I have to drag her, carrying her in one arm and Aiden in the other, out the door and to the car, kicking and screaming the entire way. She's mad that she had to leave school and to top it off mommy picked her up, not Miss Jen. Please just let this day be over.... Emma then proceeds to have the worst temper tantrum I have ever seen. I actually crack up laughing because I just have no idea how to react to her behavior. She screams and kicks for a half hour after we get home and pees her pants. I just ignore it because I'm pretty much spent for the day.

Of course its then I fight to get Aiden back down for his afternoon nap and Emma does not want to spend "quiet time" in her room. Everyone is now settled, many some quiet mommy time for me? Nope, the tv is telling me I have to call the company if I want to watch a show and I can't remember my password to get into google to write this blog.... Please oh pretty please, can we just go back to bed and start again tomorrow??