Friday, April 13, 2012

We Survived Our First 7 Weeks!

So I've decided that I need to chronicle the adventures I've been having as a new mom of two children. Who knew it would be such a learning experience? As a college graduate and former nanny, who owns her own business and on the side has a real estate license, I figured I was organized and smart enough to handle two children. Many friends told me that two would be a huge adjustment but I guess I did not listen hard enough and was no at all prepared for what was ahead! Don't get me wrong, I adore my children, but as you'll probably read in this blog, some days are just more than this mommy can handle!

Well Aiden is now seven weeks old (born February 22nd) and I've finally gotten around to starting this blog! So if you haven't been following my facebook posts you've missed all that we have been encoutering so far. Here's a quick recap...
Week 1: Brought Aiden home after 1 day in the hospital. Unfortunately, my mother was still in Florida so Alex and I were on our own for the first few days.  Alex and Emma were both suffering with bad colds so it was all up to me to take care of the house and all of the occupants while trying to recover from delivering an almost 10 pound baby! All it took were a few pleas to my mom and some cute pics of the new baby and Grammie came flying home! Yay! We needed her help! Week 1 also involved a special visit to the doctor to check out Aiden's extreme diaper rash.

Week 2: Thanks to my mom who stayed for over a week and some great friends, we stayed well fed and everything seemed pretty easy. But then....Oh no! Grammie left us! Our first day alone was horrible (not going to sugarcoat it, I thought I was going to die and cried for the majority of it). All I remember is both kids screaming, both kids pooping and it ending with all three of us in the oversized glider and both kids eventually asleep. Week 2 also involved me going back to work after only 11 days of "maternity leave". You don't really get leave when you own the place! Week 2 ended with a 2 week check up for Aiden where we found out he had a double ear infection. The lady at the check out counter commented "I've never seen a baby so young with an ear infection" and the doctor said "Good thing you had this appointment, you should have brought him in earlier." Well gee thanks, that made me feel great!

Week 3: I suffered through week 3. Emma, my wise beyond her years two year old, kept me sane with her thoughtful conversation:
Me: "yawn"
Emma: "Mommy, are you tired?"
Me: "Yes, being a mommy is tiring."
Emma: "Maybe you should be a daddy."
Me: "Maybe. Being a daddy is a lot less work."
Emma: "I know!"

We also got our first family pictures done this week and Emma got her first haircut. I do have to comment on the haircut since I was soo dissapointed. We brought her to snipits and the lady cut literally three 1cm pieces and handed them to me in a tiny bag. $13 later that was it! I couldn't believe it. Later, people asked me why I didn't complain and I realized that I had been in such a daze just trying to stay awake I didn't even think about it at the time. (Of course I lost the hair since then too which really made me sad - sorry Em!).

Week 4: Here's a quote from my facebook post week 4:
"Had to bring Aiden back to the dr. today, this time for colic. Of course 10 minutes before the appointment he is screaming to be fed. So I feed him and now we're ready to walk out the door (5 min late) and Emma poops her pants! Bring her upstairs to get clean pants and the toilet clogs and overflows. So we end up 15 minutes late to the dr. and I have poop water all over my pants & socks. To top it off I leave the diaper bag at the office after we leave so we have to drive back after we get home and I realize I don't have it! Ahhhh...."breathe mommy" Emma tells me!"
(since this Emma has complete digressed and poops in her pants daily!)

The next 2 weeks were filed with being late to almost everything we did. I think Emma's teacher at school actually expected her to be late and was always waiting at the door when we arrived with a pittyed look on her face. We also dealt with many gastric issues with Aiden which came to a head this week (week 7). Poor little baby has been so gassy and fussy and his poor mommy has not been getting any sleep because of it. We tried everything -  zantac for reflux but it didnt work and made him cry more - also tried 3 different kinds of formula, no dairy, gas drops, special bed, no nursing, exclusive nursing, new bottles, probiotic drops and now we're on to gripe water and sleeping inclined. Many calls to the doctor have resulted in a final conclusion.....severe colic. The doctor said there's not much else to try and it will go away by 3-4 months. Her best advice...."scream into a pillow". LOL!

Of course there has been a ton more things we've been through which I want to share but Aiden is waking up and wants to be fed and Emma wants me to dress her like a princess and I still need to shower before we head off for a playdate (yes I'm feeling daring today and will attempt to get them both out the door - I need some adult interaction!). More to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. omg i needed this lol!! i now feel a little less insane! my son is on his second med for colic (not helping much) and i feel like im going crazy lol i have a 6yr old daughter whos in school and classes at the ymca getting out between feedings is like a try out for a talent contest! I go back to work wednesday and im horrified how my schedule is going to make us start back over after finally feeling like ive figured out a system lol 6weeks isnt long enough my son was born march 4th idk how u went back not even two weeks later!!
