Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy Holidays

Well the hustle and bustle of the holidays has finally ceased and things are getting back to normal at our house. I can definitely say we have been BUSY!

The beginning of the month started with Emma getting sent to the hospital to get an xray to rule out pneumonia. It just so happened to land on the day I was suppose to bring Aiden down to the gastroenterologist in Albany. The xray was horrible and she screamed the entire time but luckily she was only diagnosted with bronchitis and asthma. We had to reschedule poor Aiden's appointment.

The end of the month finished with me getting the stomach flu just before Christmas. It was also horrible. Being home alone with two active children while you feel like you're dying is just is not at all fun. Aiden spent most of the day trying to pull the ornaments off my tree and open all of the gifts and Emma spent the day pulling Aiden away from the tree, thus making him scream.

The middle of the month was spent with the usual, finding the tree (Emma screaming the whole time), dragging the tree home on top of my tiny jeep, setting up the tree, cleaning up after the tree (because Aiden really enjoyed eating the pine nettles), a few weeks of observing the beautiful tree, and then taking down the tree (Emma screaming because she didn't want the tree to go).

Christmas is my favorite holiday but it sure seemed a lot more enjoyable when the tree just appeared in our living room and disappeared a few weeks later. I do remember helping my mom hang some of the ornaments but the rest of the work was done for us. When you're the parent and the house is your house there are so many more tasks! Hang the lights, hang the ornaments, water the tree, pick up the ornaments daily that have been knocked down by the cats, vaccum around the tree. Oh yes and then there's plug the tree in daily and unplug it nightly (of course we didn't put the plug anywhere easy to access). AND THEN there's take down the tree. No one is ever interested in helping take it down. The ornaments all have to be wrapped up so they don't get broken and then stored someplace safe. Then the tree, all dried out because I didn't water it enough, gets dragged through the house leaving its remnents all over the floor. Then it sits out front of the house so every time I leave or come home I have to hear "Mommy why is Joy (the name Emma gave the tree) outside in the snow? Bring her back in."

Although it was a ton of work and we probably spent way too much money, it was still a fabulous holiday. The kids loved all of their gifts and I loved seeing how happy they were with what I spent hours picking out! I recieved a mommy getaway to Vermont, kid-free, from Alex (can't wait!!). We made some wonderful memories and I couldn't be happier....maybe a fake tree next year....nah....!!

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